

Movember Facebook Cover

Movember Facebook Cover

This is another Facebook cover I made. Most of my co-workers and I did a team fundraising event in 2013 and I made several versions to post when we were growing out our “staches.”

Think Pink

Think Pink Facebook Cover

Think Pink Facebook Cover

This was a Facebook cover I made for friends and family to put up for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Both friends and family have beaten Breast Cancer so I’ve always been a big supporter of the cause.

Psoriasis Awareness

Psoriasis Awareness Month Facebook Cover

Psoriasis Awareness Month Facebook Cover

This was a Facebook cover I made for myself, friends, and family to put up for Psoriasis Awareness Month. My wife suffers from Psoriasis so this was a personal statement for her.

Wedding Thank You Postcard

Wedding Thank You Postcard

Wedding Thank You Postcard

This is the “Thank You” card I designed for our wedding. The color scheme was based off of the colors used for our actual wedding.

Mom & Dad's card.

Mom and Dad's Card

Mom and Dad’s Card

This is a business card I designed for my parents. They are “RV-ers” so this was fun way for them to be able to give their travelling friends their information. The seagull has always been significant to my pops and both my mother and him are into trains and lighthouses so this was a little bit of everything they are into.